Couple plan their wedding in 24 HOURS to tie the knot before lockdown

A couple has become one of the last to marry before England goes into national lockdown after organising their wedding in less than 24 hours. 

Jo Loosemore, 33 and her partner Matthew Goffin, 37, from North Devon, were due to tie the knot in two weeks time at a parish church near her family home. 

The couple explained they had changed their plans several times due to the restrictions on weddings that have been implemented throughout the year. 

But when they woke to news  on Saturday of a possible second national lockdown they launched an urgent appeal for a clergyman to quickly marry them on Sunday. 

Jo’s prayers were answered by their local vicar, Reverend Mary Hancock, who agreed to marry them at the Church of St Martin in Witcham near Ely in Cambridgeshire at 9am on Sunday morning. 

It meant the couple, who have been together for five years, had just one day to plan details such as the cake, flowers and ceremony, and collect their wedding outfits early. 

Jo Loosemore, 33 and her partner Matthew Goffin, 37, from North Devon, planned their wedding in less than 24h in order to tie the knot before the new lockdown starts on Thursday. They tied the knot this Sunday in Cambridgeshire

Jo Loosemore, 33 and her partner Matthew Goffin, 37, from North Devon, planned their wedding in less than 24h in order to tie the knot before the new lockdown starts on Thursday.

They tied the knot this Sunday in Cambridgeshire 

Jo explained the couple had always planned to get married on November 14, but had to alter their plans several times throughout the year in order to comply with the coronavirus restrictions.  

‘We were due to get married on November 14 but due to coronavirus our plans have changed numerous times throughout the year,’ said Jo, a veterinary nurse. 

‘We originally planned to have a big wedding in North Devon, with a reception at my old school, which is now a wedding venue. 

‘We planned to have 110 guests, plus an extra 90 in the evening,’ Jo said of the pre-covid plan.  

The couple made an urgent appeal to their local vicar who agreed to marry them last minute. They had planned to wed on November 14 but changed their plans due to the lockdown. They both sported masks during the socially distanced ceremony

The couple made an urgent appeal to their local vicar who agreed to marry them last minute.

They had planned to wed on November 14 but changed their plans due to the lockdown. They both sported masks during the socially distanced ceremony 

Jo and Matt planned everything in less than 24h to have the best impromptu wedding possible. They event found 'bride' and 'groom' face coverings, but their eyes communicated their joy as they stepped out of the church as man and wife

Jo and Matt planned everything in less than 24h to have the best impromptu wedding possible.

They event found ‘bride’ and ‘groom’ face coverings, but their eyes communicated their joy as they stepped out of the church as man and wife 

‘Then when the rules changed, we decided to have the reception in a marquee in my parents’ garden in Devon,’ she went on. 

‘Then when they changed again, we re-booked the original venue with 30 people.

But when that couldn’t happen we opted for a hotel near the beach with 15 people and afternoon tea.’

Resolute to get married, the couple were disheartened to find out on Saturday morning that there plan to marry at all on 14 November were unlikely to take place, due to a new lockdown which will be introduced on Thursday. 

A friend of Matthew's father agreed to photograph the couple on their wedding day. The small ceremony took place without a hitch

A friend of Matthew’s father agreed to photograph the couple on their wedding day.

The small ceremony took place without a hitch 

Thankfully, Jo's wedding dress and Matthew's suit were ready just in time for the ceremony this Sunday. Hi jacket matched her bouquet

Thankfully, Jo’s wedding dress and Matthew’s suit were ready just in time for the ceremony this Sunday.

Hi jacket matched her bouquet 

But they did not let it deter them from getting married as soon as possible.  

‘When we woke up on Saturday we knew it looked unlikely that we’d be able to get married on November 14, so we decided to see if we could get married this weekend and amazingly it has all worked out.’

Jo contacted her local vicar, who kindly agreed to conduct the ceremony at the last minute, Matthew bought a fruit cake from Marks & Spencer and his mum arranged for a local florist to make a bouquet. 

She added: ‘A lady in our village kindly agreed to play the organ and a man offered to play the trumpet. It’s been really overwhelming how nice everyone has been. 

‘Matt’s dad belongs to a photography club and one of his friend’s offered to take our wedding photos and I managed to make a last-minute appointment to get my nails done.

Beaming! Jo explained the couple had always planned to get married on November 14, but made several alterations to their initial plans due to covid-19 restrictions


Jo explained the couple had always planned to get married on November 14, but made several alterations to their initial plans due to covid-19 restrictions 

Kiss the bride! The happy couple decided they did not want to wait anymore and took the leap on Sunday

Kiss the bride!

The happy couple decided they did not want to wait anymore and took the leap on Sunday 

Jo and Matt had a small ceremony at the Church of St Martin, pictured, near Ely in Cambridgeshire

Jo and Matt had a small ceremony at the Church of St Martin, pictured, near Ely in Cambridgeshire 

Thankfully for the couple, all the details came together as they were planning their nuptials. 

They even found ‘bride’ and ‘groom’ face coverings to wear during the social distanced ceremony.  

‘Luckily I picked up my dress this weekend after having the final alterations and Matt was able to hire his suit from Moss Bros two weeks early.’

The couple, who met at work, were joined by close family and friends, including Jo’s parents who travelled up from Devon for the big day. 

The pair, who have an eight-month-old son, Rupert, are planning to have a big party with all their friends and relations at their original reception venue next September.

The couple, who share an eight-month-old son, are looking forward to celebrating with more friends and family next September

The couple, who share an eight-month-old son, are looking forward to celebrating with more friends and family next September

Beaming Jo and Matt said they were 'overwhelmed' by the kindness of the people who offered them help in planning their big day

Beaming Jo and Matt said they were ‘overwhelmed’ by the kindness of the people who offered them help in planning their big day

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