Contract Translation Services

Not only have we translated many legal documents, brochures, and annual reports, but JK Translate is here to help you with all other types of business-related translations, no matter how large or small your project is. The translation of any document is in the safe and secure hands of our certified translators. Speaking about certified translation services, we also have extensive experience in certified translations of legal documents. Below you’ll find a short summary of all the work we do and the translation services that we provide for businesses.

Non Lucrative Spanish Residence Visa

Our in-house team will do this for you and arrange a Russian interpreter too – on Zoom, WhatsApp or face-to-face if required. As we specialise in Russian only, we are able to provide quality translation and interpreting services at competitive rates. The documents will then be ready for use when you receive them from us and it won’t be necessary for you to visit the official agencies concerned. In most cases, this involves a court of law but in certain cases, it may also involve legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a particular consulate or embassy. As a proud member of the American Translators Association (ATA), we guarantee that your message won’t get lost in translation. The American Translators Association is the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the United States with nearly 10,000 members in more than 100 countries.

  • (It should be noted that this farm explicitly stated that they did not want to keep employees onsite who did not wish to be there).
  • Just over half of Scotland’s transfers were to England, with most of the remainder transferring to another farm in Scotland.
  • Diagram showing relationships between operator, grower, UKVI, Home Office, Defra, GLAA and workers.
  • Employers commonly said they would have to reduce production levels to match certainty in labour supply in this scenario.
  • Table 2.1 shows that most workers responding to the 2022 Defra Seasonal Worker survey self-reported working for at least 32 hours on average.
  • The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) food inflation model estimates that with a 10% increase in domestic labour costs, the long run (3 year) increase in food prices would be 2.3%.


The 2022 Defra Seasonal Workers survey found that 61% self- reported working in the UK for over 5 months, 20% for 4 to 5 months and the remaining workers less than 4 months. A representative organisation (IOM) conducted a similar survey that found Tajik workers reported being in the UK for an average of 3.8 months. The duration of employment may even be so short that the workers cannot recoup the costs they invested in coming to the UK and make an overall financial loss or enter exploitative work in other sectors (CfE; Labour Exploitation Advisory Group (LEAG), 2023). We do not think that migrants who have complied with all the rules of the scheme should be out of pocket. Considering that workers may spend far less time in the UK than their visa duration, IOM (CfE response) suggests that a minimum of 5 months or 22 weeks work should be guaranteed. Various workers’ rights groups have suggested that better employment guarantee safeguards should be put in place.

There is also the argument that the availability of workers through the scheme allows certain types of investment, e.g., in labour augmenting technologies which increase their workers productivity. One large edible horticulture farm investing in technology which augmented their packhouse workforce highlighted this as a particularly effective way to produce more, more quickly. During World War II, the United States (US) executed a bilateral treaty creating the ‘BraceroProgram’ in response to concerns of a shortage of agricultural workers. This program approved the temporary entry of “guestworkers” from poor rural areas in Mexico to participate in agricultural work. It was observed that wage rates at employers that hired “guestworkers” became stagnant, providing evidence that this migrant labour supply was depressing the wages of native agricultural workers.
english to russian translation of contract uk
Employers utilise these extensions to progress workers into more skilled roles, including with supervisory responsibilities, within their occupation. However, because of the extent of use of the SWS it is clear that the scheme does have the potential to impact them and hence policy makers should ensure the scheme is designed to ensure this impact is positive. russian translation of assembly drawings in the uk is concerning that the scheme’s hourly wages are below UK wide averages, and, as we advised in 2013,there are benefits to the scheme paying a higher minimum wage (limiting wage depression and worker exploitation), perhaps along the lines of US AEWRs. This would necessitate collecting better hourlywage data in order to decide the structure of such a minimum wage (which could be set at an occupation, industry or scheme wide level), to set these levels with accuracy and monitor the impact.
Recruitment from Ukraine represented the majority of SWS recruitment prior to 2021, and now represents less than 10% of the total intake. However, Defra has produced a diagram (Figure 2.4 below) that summarises some of the key organisational and enforcement relationships. Recruitment must be to specific roles, within the defined visa and cooling-off periods, and must comply with requirements on pay and hours worked.
Some employers told us that there may be restrictions in their ability to increase the hourly rate due to tight margins, something also mentioned in the previous government’s Independent Review into labour shortages in the food supply chain. The House of Lords report into the horticultural sector argues that this is a result of loss-leader pricing strategies in supermarkets which leads to poor grower returns within the horticultural sector. One could conclude from this that supermarkets should just charge more to improve growers’ margins and allow for the recruitment of domestic workers at higher wage rates; however, it is not as simple as that. UK producers compete with imports and, without further market intervention such as tariffs, an increase in the price of domestically produced food willlikely lead to consumers choosing imported food over ‘home-grown’.

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