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Instead, we recommend that the scheme be amended to support employers needs by shortening the ‘cooling off’ period on the horticulture visa to 3 months, whilst maintaining that Seasonal Workers can come to the UK for a maximum 6-month period in a calendar year. Demand for labour varies greatly throughout the year in the agricultural and poultry industries due to the seasonality of produce. This is particularly the case for turkey producers and horticultural employers growing only/mainly one type of crop. As well as the amount of labour support available, the timing of this is also of extreme importance. In response to our CfE, the peak months employers reported requiring seasonal labour were April to October, with less demand during January and February.

Russian to English translation services offered by Birmingham Translation Services

The data indicates that while most workers had a good experience, some workers did have problems receiving the pay they had expected. However, we also identified some examples of poor treatment or exploitation in every strand of the work we carried out and evidence of this can also be seen in responses to the Defra Seasonal Workers survey. As noted earlier, the Defra Seasonal Workers survey is disseminated online to Seasonal Workers by the scheme operators.

International Requirements

UKVI compliance reports and workers’ rights groups have identified issues with health and safety on farms, particularly around personal protective equipment (PPE) including workers not having PPE/adequate PPE or having to pay for it. Another survey found that 10% of people were asked to regularly or sometimes perform tasks they felt were unsafe or dangerous and 15% were regularly or sometimes asked to perform tasks without proper equipment. The weather can also play a role in health and safety, with hot weather causing heat stroke or wet, cold and windy weather causing discomfort, particularly if workers do not have adequate equipment.

  • Automation in horticulture is still emerging and developing, and both availability of automated processes and their adoption at individual sites is likely to be piecemeal, with other parts of the process continuing to require labour.
  • For example, some workers from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan we spoke to during site visits and at a recruitment event said that they were able to purchase houses in their home country after 1-3 seasons’ work in the UK.
  • One should be cautious about deriving strong conclusions from the analysis below, as some of the areas specified are relatively large and likely to have variation of local labour market conditions within area.

We are broadly content with this arrangement as it means that workers are guaranteed an income on arrival and employers are getting privileged access to a labour market not readily available to other sectors. Confirm the future of the Seasonal Worker Scheme (SWS) – If the new government intends to meet the previous government’s objective of maintaining current levels of domestic food production, then a Seasonal Worker Scheme is required in the short-to-medium term. We continue to believe that the agricultural sector needs to explore automated options that would reduce the long-term dependency on migrant labour, and that government must play a role in promoting investments in automation. Scheme operators’ responsibilities include ensuring that workers have a safe and compliant environment, and that they are provided with appropriate equipment (at no cost) to do the job safely. The 2022 Defra Seasonal Workers survey highlights that 94% of their respondents were happy with safety on the farm (3% were unhappy), although it must be noted that they may be comparing standards to those in countries with lower levels of safety regulation.
The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the Foundation Pathways at the BIA, for entrance to undergraduate programmes. The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our own foundation pathways, for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes. The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes. The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the Birmingham Foundation Academy, for entrance to undergraduate programmes. The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.
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Fatal injury (in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector as a whole) is 21 times higher than the all-industries rate and non-fatal injury is statistically significantly higher. Similar information and paperwork, with some operators’ differing criteria and requirements being difficult to understand. how to translate certificate from russian to english reported during fieldwork that they had been visited 6 times by Home Office, and had 50 days of external auditing, in the past year. Several employers have called for a more streamlined process, further discussion on compliance and the potential for a single enforcement body is covered in Chapter 5. Some employers had said that the scheme does not include all the roles within their organisation that they would like to recruit Seasonal Workers for.
Workers do not create pressure on local housing supply, are unlikely to be heavy users of the local transport system (if it exists), nor healthcare services, with just 1 GP and 1 hospital visit per 100 workers on average in 2021. The SWS has an impact on tax revenue and spending on public services, which has implications for overall fiscal balance. Workers have access to some public services (such as health and transport) but do not have the same access to public funds that a UK citizen would.

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